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ClimateTech in Focus: Innovations for a greener Supply Chain

Global technology and innovation serve as beacons of hope in the face of climate change. ClimateTech is not a fleeting trend confined to laboratories; it stands as one of the most promising avenues for humanity to tackle climate change and drive sustainable progress. We are heartened to see many technological innovations moving from labs to factories, industrial zones, markets, communities, and homes, making a lasting, tangible impact on our fight against climate change. This report, “ClimateTech In Focus: Innovations for a Greener Supply Chain” provides an in-depth perspective of these priorities by diving into the origins of green supply chains, the market landscape of ClimateTech, and the potential for significant impact in key areas. Additionally, it analyses the critical roles that...

Pacific Currents

Global value chains: From fruitful discussions to meaningful actions
Juan Navarro, Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University

Climate change in SOTR
Christopher Findlay, Tilak Doshi and Eduardo Pedrosa

Digital Technologies, Services and the Fourth Industrial Revolutions
Submitted by Jane Drake-Brockman, Christopher Findlay, Yose Rizal Damuri and Sherry Stephenson 

COVID-19 has Exposed Major Gaps in our Social Safety Nets: In a Post-COVID World Will these Gaps be Closed?
Hugh Stephens
Vice Chair, CANCPEC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Executive Fellow, School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary

 Multilateral Cooperation is a Safeguard against Pandemics
Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria
Executive Director, APEC Secretariat

International cooperation during COVID-19
Sungbae An
Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Macroeconomics and Finance, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

Member Updates

CNCPEC: Amb. Zhan Yongxin attended the 2023 China (Tianjin) International Fair for Investment and Trade & PECC Expo

On November 22nd to 23rd, Amb. Zhan Yongxin, Chair, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, attended the China·Tianjin Forum for Business Cooperation and Development, and the opening ceremony of the 2023 China (Tianjin) International Trade and Investment Fair, and PECC Expo....

KOPEC: DR. Siwook Lee appointed as the new KOPEC Chair

Dr. Siwook Lee succeeds Dr. Heungchong Kim as the Chair of the Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC). Dr. Lee is also the President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and professor at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management (on...

MANCPEC: Professor Dr Mohd Faiz Abdullah appointed as the new MANCPEC Chair

Professor Dr Mohd Faiz Abdullah succeeds Mr Herizal Hazri as the Chair of the Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC). Professor Faiz is also the Chairman for the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia. A lawyer by training, Professor Faiz...

MXCPEC: Dr. Gerardo Traslosheros appointed as the new MXCPEC Chair

Dr. Gerardo Traslosheros succeeds Ambassador Sergio Ley as the Chair of the Mexico National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. Dr. Traslosheros is also the Coordinator of the Global Governance Program at the UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School (UJGS) in Mexico City, and Member of the Mexican...

NZPECC: Dr. Alan Bollard appointed as the new NZPECC Chair

Alan Bollard (CNZM; PhD Auck; FRSNZ) is a Professor of Pacific Region Business at Victoria University of Wellington, and inaugural Chair for Pacific Region Business. Alan is also the Chair of the Infrastructure Commission, Chair of the cross-university Centres for Asia-Pacific Excellence, and...

HKCPEC: Prof Tam Kar Yan appointed as the new HKCPEC Chair

Professor Kar Yan TAM is Dean of the HKUST Business School and Chair Professor of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management. Prior to being Dean of the Business School, he was Dean of Students and Associate Provost at HKUST. Professor Tam is a board member of the...
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