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Mr Christopher Langman succeeds Dr. Gordon de Brouwer as the Chair of the Australian PECC committee (AUSPECC). Mr Langman has had a distinguished career in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was Deputy Secretary, Trade, Investment, and Business Engagement Group, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade from 2018 to 2021.

Prior to that, he was Australia's Ambassador to Iraq. Mr Langman earlier served as Ambassador to the OECD in Paris, as Deputy Head of Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, and in Washington and Buenos Aires.

In Canberra, Mr Langman has held a number of senior positions, including as First Assistant Secretary, G20 Policy in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in the lead-up to and during Australia's host year in 2014. He has also led DFAT's Trade and Economic Division, and the Office of Trade Negotiations, and was Special Negotiator for Agriculture and Australian Ambassador for the Environment.