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PECC Singapore Conference 2015: Achieving Inclusive Economic Growth in the New Normal

On February 27, 2015
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 7522

PECC Singapore Conference 2015
Achieving Inclusive Economic Growth in the New Normal

Co-organized by SINCPEC and PPECC

27 February, 2015
Orchard Hotel, Singapore


The Philippines takes on the chairing of APEC at a time of tremendous change in the regional and international economy. The recovery from the Global Financial Crisis remains fragile and to a large extent dependent on extraordinary economic stimulus. During the APEC leaders' meeting in Beijing, key decisions were taken to make progress on key elements of the regional agenda, including on a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and improving connectivity. The challenge is how regional economies can implement these plans to ensure than regional growth is not only sustainable but also inclusive.


Friday, February 27


Registration of participants


Welcoming Remarks

  • Dr Tan Khee Giap, Chairman, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC)
  • Mr Jusuf Wanandi, Co-Chairman, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) pdf (download) (20 KB)
  • Ambassador Antonio I. Basilio, Chairman, Philipines Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (PPECC) pdf (download) (109 KB)


Opening Speech

  • Ambassador Laura Q. Del Rosario, SOM Chair 2015 pdf (download) (674 KB)
  • Mr Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Deputy Director-General, National Development Office for Policy and Planning, National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of the Philippines pdf (download) (562 KB)


Q&A Session


  • Mr Ian Buchanan, Chairman, Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (AUSPECC)


Coffee Break


Session 1: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in a Changing Global Context: Risks and Opportunities

APEC 2015 will take place in a rapidly changing regional and global context. Several mega-trends are
changing not only the shape of the global economy but also the way in which economic interactions take
place. Energy prices have slumped increasing uncertainty in international markets, income inequality is on
the rise and with it the risk of increased trade protectionism, while middle class consumption in the region’s
emerging economies and rapid technological advances and adoption present both risks and opportunities
for future economic growth.



  • Dr Manfred Wilhelmy, Chairman, Chilean National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CHILPEC)


Lead Panellist:

  • Dr Narongchai Akrasanee, Minister of Energy & Chairman, Thailand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (TNCPEC)


Panel Discussion:
  • Dr Il Houng Lee, President, Korean Institute for International Economic Policy & Chairman, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC) pdf (download) (1.32 MB)
  • Mr David Carbon, Managing Director, Chief Economist, DBS Bank pdf (download) (84 KB)
  • Dr Peter Lovelock, Director, Technology Research Project Corporate (TRPC)


Q&A Session




Distinguished Luncheon Speaker:


Q&A Session

  • Dr David Hong, Chairman, Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)

1300 - 1405

Session 2: Inclusive Growth: Building Capacity at Individual and Community Levels

In 2010 APEC leaders adopted a growth strategy to provide a comprehensive long-term framework for
promoting high-quality growth in the region. The Growth Strategy focused on the five desired attributes of
balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth. How much progress has been made on
the strategy? What additional actions should APEC economies take to ensure quality growth in the future?



  • Mr Denis McNamara, Chairman, New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation
    Council (NZPECC)


Lead Panellist:

  • Ambassador Laura Q. Del Rosario, SOM Chair 2015


Panel Discussion:

  • Dr Djisman Simandjuntak, Chairman, Executive Board of Prasetiya Mulya Foundation; Chairman, Board of Directors, Center for Strategic and International Studies Foundation, Jakarta & Chairman, Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC)
  • The Challenge of Building Resilient Communities in the Ring of Fire: Mr Joey Salceda, Governor of Albay, Republic of the Philippines pdf (download) (6.78 MB)


Q&A Session


Session 3: Connectivity and Regional Economic Integration: Reaping the Benefits of Economic Integration

In 2013 APEC leaders stated that seamless physical, institutional, and people-to-people connectivity are
critical prerequisites in attaining the APEC community vision. By connecting the region’s developed and
emerging growth centers around and across the Pacific Ocean and within APEC’s archipelagic and
continental regions. In 2014, APEC leaders endorsed a detailed Blueprint for Connectivity. What actions
should APEC economies take to implement the Blueprint?


  • Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa, Chairman, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC)


Lead Panellist:
  • Mr Adrian Cristobal, Undersecretary for Industry Development, Department of Trade and Industry, Republic of the Philippines pdf (download) (1.04 MB)


Panel Discussion:
  • Dr Mari Elka Pangestu, Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Mr Li Shan, Chief International Business Adviser, China Development Bank
  • Mr Hugh Stephens, Vice Chairman, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC) & Executive-in-Residence, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada pdf (download) (377 KB)


Q&A Session


Coffee Break


Session 4: Financing Inclusive Growth

Since 2010 regional economies have emphasized the need for inclusive growth – which includes ensuring
that the benefits of the economic integration process are more spread out. The challenges are mutilfacted –
from the lack of infrastructure to connect second and third tier cities to the need to reform and broaden the
education system and providing sufficient but sustainable social safety nets. This session will tackle the
financial aspects of inclusive growth strategies.



  • Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat


Lead Panellist:

  • Mr Cledan Mandri-Perrott, Head of Infrastructure Finance and PPP, Singapore Infrastructure Hub, The World Bank Group pdf (download) (112 KB)


Panel Discussion:

  • Mr Mark Rathbone, Partner, Advisory CP&I Capital Projects & Infrastructure, PwC Singapore pdf (download) (312 KB)
  • Mr Mario Artaza, Chief Representative, Hong Kong Representative Office, Banco Security
  • Mr Zhou Qiangwu, Executive Deputy Director General, Asia-Pacific Finance and Development
    Center Beijing Office, Ministry of Finance, China


Q&A Session


Session 5: Making Regional Economic Integration More Inclusive

Regional economic integration initiatives are gaining pace – the ASEAN Economic Community is due to be
completed by the end of 2015, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is supposed be
concluded by the end of the year and the TransPacific Partnership may gain momentum from President
Obama’s request for Trade Promotion Authority. While these initiatives promise large economic gains, the
challenge is to ensure that businesses, especially small and medium enterprises are prepared to benefit
from them.


  • Ambassador Tang Guoqiang, Chairman, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)


Lead Panellist:


Panel Discussion:

  • SMEs in Global Value Chains: Dr David Hong, President, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) & Chairman, Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) pdf (download) (158 KB)

  • Global Value Chains and Imperatives for Regional Integration Initiatives: Professor Christopher Findlay, Executive Dean, Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide & Vice-Chairman, Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (AUSPECC)

  • European Experience: Dr Filippo di Mauro, Senior Adviser, Research Department, European Central Bank pdf (download) (138 KB)


Q&A Session


Conference Closing Remarks:
  • Ambassador Donald Campbell, Co-Chairman, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)


Conference Dinner


Cocktail Reception

1830-1850 Distinguished Dinner Speaker:


1850-1900 Q&A Session

  • Dr Charles E. Morrison, President, East West Center