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Forty youth delegates from nine PECC member economies joined the PECC General Meeting in Tokyo on 21-22 October. They came from Canada; China; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; New Zealand; Singapore; and Chinese Taipei.

On their first day of activities the youth delegates discussed "Food and our Interdependence" at Chiba University in discussions facilitated by Prof Ishido. The delegates presented the results of their discussions to the PECC Standing Committee at the conclusion of the General Meeting. They noted 4 main factors that need to be taken into consideration in regards to food security for all economies: dietary transition; climate change; demographic change; free trade, specialization and globalization. 

They also visited JFE Steel Corporation to see how production processes - from raw materials to steel sheets actually takes place. Delegates noted that the materials came from Australia and Brazil and the factory was seeking ways to make production more energy efficient and more environmentally friendly. 



Prof Ishido facilitating discussions on food security for PECC XIX youth delegates


 See Youth Report on Food Security in the Discussion Forum: